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B. Sean Peterson

Licensed Agent

Contact Information

I am a father to two boys and two girls that both challenge me and are my greatest source of joy. I am originally from Orem, Utah. I enjoy self-development, participating in my church, being in nature, and music. Prior to Family Heritage, I was a Deputy Sheriff. First impressions last a life time. The recruitment video spoke of God and being a good person. If we are good people we will be successful in this company. I had never been a part of an organization that spoke about God in their recruitment video. Also the ability to be free financially, while making a good impact on my family and those in my community. I don't know if I can sum it up to just one or two things, honestly as far as impact goes. From developing belief in myself again, to overcoming mental health challenges, to dreaming again. So much of my life was spent in the corporate world, where dreaming wasn't ever possible. This opportunity has changed my life because it's changed me.When I'm not in the field, I'm spending time with my kids, running, hiking, playing the piano, watching my favorite nextflix movie, or reading a good book. This year I have started traveling a little and I hope to continue that the rest of this year. The culture of love, a CAN DO attitude, everything is possible with the right attitude and work ethic. I really love the friendships and the memories I have created here. A few items on my bucket list are  to travel to Australia and open a bamboo farm.

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