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James Brashars

Licensed Agent

Contact Information

I grew up in Virginia Beach, Va and moved to TN when I was 19 where I met my amazing wife, Michelle, of 10 years. We have a beautiful daughter, Evelyn, who is 8 and growing up way too fast. We all love to read and are huge Harry Potter fans. If I am not working or hanging with the family you would most likely find me out for a run or playing D&D with some friends. I was in the restaurant industry for 17 years before Family Heritage. Eventually, as my career progressed, the time away from family grew to an unacceptable level and the time I was with my family was spent distracted with calls and emails. I chose Family Heritage and Elevated to provide for my family while being present in their lives.I didn't know this when I joined but I had totally lost who I was as an individual by committing so much time to my previous career. Here in Elevated I have been able to not only provide for my family and be present but additionally, I have been able to reconnect with who I am and who I am meant to be as an individual. In corporate america you are surrounded by people who often times aren't the best person for their role. A lot of times their is high education with little experience, a lot of experience with little leadership capabilities, or just the person who lasted the longest in a bad situation. There are good leaders, don't get me wrong, but here in Elevated EVERY leader deserves and belongs where they are. We all start in the same place and without the right attitude, habits, and skills the leaders would not be in that position. Not only do the leaders belong they all want you to succeed and will do whatever is in their power to help you succeed in and out of work. Three words that describe me are Integritous, relentless, and growing. A few items on my bucket list are to run a marathon and take my famly on a vacation to London.

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