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Jacob Meyer

Field Director, Licensed Agent

Plano, TX

Contact Information

(651) 280 - 8295

I am someone who loves to learn. Whether it is through reading, podcasts, or talking to mentors, I am always seeking to expand my mind. I take my health very seriously through fitness and by monitoring what I put into my body. I also seek adventure. I enjoy trying with new things, traveling to new places, and meeting new people. Prior to my career here, I did door to door sales for six years selling educational books to families to help their children with education.


I chose Elevated because of the people. Some of my greatest mentors and friends were here before me. I figured if high quality people such as them chose this career then it's gotta be halfway decent. It turned out to be the right move. This career has impacted me in so many ways. All my best friends are here for starters. Much of my life I have felt like the dreams I envisioned for myself were unrealistic. I didn't have enough money or freedom. I have found in Family Heritage no dream is unrealistic. It is surreal to be living the life I've always wanted with things getting better every day.


When I'm not in the field,  I'm either reading a book, at the gym, or traveling to a different part of the country or world.


What I enjoy most about this career is the challenge. It is a tough job for sure but I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel it is important to become the best version to make a better impact on the world and be better for my future wife and children. Through this career I am indeed improving every day. The countless free vacations and high level of income is pretty sweet too. Three words I would use to describe myself are, Learner, disciplined, and loving.


On my bucket list is to visit as many countries as my age and own a personal library.

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