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Daniel Sainz

Licensed Agent

Contact Information

(310) 365-9511

Hi, my name is Daniel Sainz. I was born in Los Angeles, but grew up in Mexico. I moved back to California in 2016 and then to Arizona in 2020. I’m a proud father of two. My daughter is 24 and my son is 21, they live in Mexico with their mom. I feel blessed to be a part of this company and this agency. I love what we do for people and how we can literally change their lives. 

Before coming to work here I worked for a greenhouse design and manufacturing company. They closed the branch when Covid hit and I started delivering for Amazon while looking for another opportunity. After learning more about the company from Mackenzie Buck, I immediately loved what I learned. The culture, products and company all aligned with my core values. 

This career has impacted my life by helping me regain faith in my future, financially. It has given me more confidence and a belief that I’ll be able to afford a better quality for myself all while providing a product that benefits others. 

What I enjoy most about working with Elevated Financial is the culture, the camaraderie, and growing alongside amazing people. On top of that, the compensation and opportunity for advancement are incredible. 

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